Is Fermentation the Future?
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Jill Zullo, Ph.D., Cargill Bioindustrial
Jon Veldhouse, Qore, LLC & AURI Board of Directors
Larry Fox, J.D., Avisen Legal
Melanie Tomczak, Ph.D., BioMADE
Ron Meeusen, Ph.D., Cultivian Sandbox Venture Partners, LLC
Brian Brazeau, Ph.D., Ferment
Jon Veldhouse, Qore, LLC & AURI Board of Directors
Larry Fox, J.D., Avisen Legal
Melanie Tomczak, Ph.D., BioMADE
Ron Meeusen, Ph.D., Cultivian Sandbox Venture Partners, LLC
Brian Brazeau, Ph.D., Ferment

Industrial fermentation for renewable and sustainable products has been an increasingly important topic across the globe. This panel will focus on industrial fermentation using agricultural commodities and ag-derived coproducts as feedstocks, to provide a sustainable alternative to fossil resource-based products. In addition, participants will share their thoughts on how fermentation can create new market opportunities and impact agricultural producers by offering a new avenue for the sustainable economic development of rural communities.
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